I’m Sorry
I’m sorry I know I’m at fault. I also know that you’re angry at me. In fact, you’ve all the right to do so. Before you stop reading it thinking that it’s just one of those apology letters, I want you to continue reading it, and if it interests you, read it till the end. […]
Why Pain?
Why Pain? Why me? Is that the first reaction that you have on experiencing pain? Let me tell you a micro story and then we can conclude. A certain Devta (An alien who was spiritually and technically 5 million years ahead of us) was tired of the riches and stagnation of pleasures on his planet […]
Who Cares…
Who cares… It’s raining blood the other side of the door but who cares People screaming, weeping, howling but who cares I am civilized, law abiding, nationalistic so, who cares. Rape, killing, lynching, riot, part of the society; so as caste, creed, clan and religion I am safe because I am aloof, don’t care when […]
বিবাহ বার্ষিকী
“বিবাহ বার্ষিকী” বাসবী কয়লা গুড়ো, গোবর মিশিয়ে গুল দিচ্ছিলো। কিছুদিন হলো ওরা এখানে উঠে এসেছে। কপালফেরে একটা পুরোনো ভাঙা চালাঘরের দখল জুটে যায় । মাথার ওপরে একটা কিছু না হলেও ছাদ আছে। লেপ কাঁথা আর বর্ষায় ভেজে না । ছেলেদুটো আর গণেশ, চারটে পেট। বাসবী বাবুদের বাড়িতে বাসন মাজে, তবে গণেশের কোন কাজ নেই। রোজ […]
Tiger’s Footprints
Tiger’s Footprints In the wind near the cave, nobody did explain why they were frightened of that weather, but only hushed voices were used to explain the matter. Moonlight spilled the corridor once allowing the chief of the cave to spread its foot and trudge across the silent valley. Yet no growl could be heard […]
Promote your book using video trailers, Power Publishers offers an all inclusive package
News Published in IBNS Kolkata, Jun 22 : Power Publishers, a popular book publishing company, is offering authors the know-how to produce video book trailers to promote their books, especially through social networking sites. Video book trailers has given authors a visual way for advertising their books in a more profitable and in easy manner. […]