How a video book trailer can be the coolest book promotion tool
As we would all agree, the inception of the social media culture has made life simpler and decision-making easier. They are ideal hassle-free platforms that have the potential to spread the word around the world in minutes. But that is exactly where we tend to take things a little too for granted. Yes, you can […]
Power Publishers New Release: Rangmanch ke Satrang
Rangmanch ke Satrang by Dr. Sumanlata Maheshwari Price: 230.00, Genre: Fiction, Pages: 123, Binding: Hardbound, Language: Hindi, ISBN:978-93-85892-84-4 Click here to buy रंगमंच के सतरंग – यह पुस्तक अनेक रंग-बिरंगे मोतियों की सुन्दर माला के समान है,जिसमे रंगमंच पर प्रस्तुत किए जाने वाले सात – विविध प्रकार के सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों को बखूबी पिरोया गया है I दो खंडों […]
Power Publishers New Release: The Language of Love and Friendship in Shakespeare’s Plays (1580-1615)
The Language of Love and Friendship in Shakespeare’s Plays (1580-1615) by Dr. Lily Law Price: 230.00, Genre: Fiction, Pages: 65, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-85892-80-6 Click here to buy The book is entitled The Language of Love and Friendship in Shakespeare”s Plays. It deals with the themes of love and friendship in Shakespeare”s plays viz The Two […]
Why is converting your short story to a short film a smart step?
Let’s face it. Book-reading and story-telling will never be a part of a forgotten era. The reason behind, is their deep-rooted existence in our cultures as well as our everyday lives. We are all surrounded by stories, but only a handful of us might actually have the creative intellect to put these images and little […]
Why audiobooks are the future and you need to act TODAY
The reading scenario has gone through dramatic shifts and changes over the past decade. Through we can easily point out the number of new genres of writing that literary personalities all over the world have introduced over the years, we rarely take into account the ease of access of global art and […]
Power Publishers New Release: All about BPO
All about BPO by Rajiv Ghosh Price: 99.00, Genre: Non-fiction, Pages: 59, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-85892-55-4 Click here to buy This book contains all the minute detail of a call center. This is a book mainly for the new comers, who are trying to make their careers in the industry. This will guide them through […]