Everyone today is working very hard to make both ends meet. It is a fiercely competitive world and everybody loves to live comfortably. But how to get hold of that extra money? All around you money is just flying. It is for you to catch them with great ideas,wit and persuasion. This is exactly where the book pitches in. You will find a whole lot of practical ideas which you can put to great use. With a little hardwork on your part you will see most of the ideas are working for you and you are on your path to making that big buck and here in lies the success of the book.
Its a romantic fiction which is story of carefree guy, full of life who struggles to get his love but hold onto hope until the end, this goes through a beautiful journey with fun, humor, emotion, drama, turning of events,romance, elements of surprise, appropriate poems and lesson to be learnt that Life Goes On.
As we would all agree, the inception of the social media culture has made life simpler and decision-making easier. They are ideal hassle-free platforms that have the potential to spread the word around the world in minutes. But that is exactly where we tend to take things a little too for granted. Yes, you can get a book published and talk about it at length in personal blogs and Facebook pages. But, if you think that is all you need to do to get your books selling like hot cakes, you are perhaps expecting a little too much.
Yes, writing and posting content and updates on social media is the easiest and the most inexpensive way of promoting. But, so are video book trailers. They are basically two-minute videos that give readers an idea of the treasure trove that your book is, with a little focus on the writer. Just like movie trailers.
Technology has evolved with leaps and bounds over the years. Those, who fail to take advantage of it, lag behind. If you have worked really hard on your novel, you have every right to see it fly off the shelves. But, that dream would not gain wings without a little promotional zeal. Power Publishers offers several self-publishing packages at discounted rates to authors. These packages include a video book trailer, besides other complimentary services, which is made by a team of experienced and technologically sound professionals. They are developed with valuable inputs from the author, making them the perfect vehicles to champion the release of the book. With great images, background score and bit information about the book and also about the various places that it would be available, the video book trailer makes it easy to go around the globe talking about your book, without even moving from your chair!
Today, most authors are moving towards self-publishing not only because they are able to get their book published the way they like, but also because self-publishing mammoths like Power Publishers are offering a plethora of promotional tools to help authors promote their books and reach out to their reader-base easily and effectively. Make a book trailer today through creatively engaging process with Power Publishers and touch millions of hearts. Your video book trailer maker would ensure that the video has got all the right elements to vindicate the purpose of the book and the hard work made on it by the author. With book trailer in India gaining prominence at a staggering rate, your skill with words, is all set to get instant recognition, more than ever.
रंगमंच के सतरंग – यह पुस्तक अनेक रंग-बिरंगे मोतियों की सुन्दर माला के समान है,जिसमे रंगमंच पर प्रस्तुत किए जाने वाले सात – विविध प्रकार के सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों को बखूबी पिरोया गया है I दो खंडों में विभाजित इस पुस्तक के काव्य खंड में अभिनय गीत ,कवि सम्मेलन,कव्वाली,अन्त्याक्षरी एवं कविताएँ हैं जबकि गद्य खंड में विविध क्षेत्रों से चुने गए विषयों पर लिखे गए नाटक एवं प्रश्न मंच की योजना हैI इन सभी कार्यक्रमों की सबसे बड़ी विशेषता यह है कि ये मात्र सैद्धांतिक नहीं हैं I लेखिका ने विगत पच्चीस वर्षों के अपने अध्यापन काल में इनका मंच पर सफल प्रयोग करके सराहना प्राप्त की है I दूसरे,विशेष दिवसों पर जैसे पृथ्वी दिवस,श्रमिक दिवस,शिक्षक दिवस,हिंदी दिवस,बाल दिवस आदि का ध्यान रखते हुए इन्हें तैयार किया गया है I माता-पिता एवं शिक्षकों के लिए यह सहायक पुस्तक हर आयु वर्ग के विद्यार्थियों के लिए लाभदायक होगी,ऐसा पूर्ण विश्वास है; क्योंकि सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में भागीदारी विद्यर्थियों में आत्मविश्वास जागृत करने का एक सफल माध्यम है I पुस्तक में पात्रों की योजना इस प्रकार की गई है कि शर्मीला विद्यार्थी भी बेझिझक मंच पर अपनी प्रस्तुति दे सकता है I कव्वाली जैसी लुप्त प्राय: विधा को जीवंत करने का प्रयास किया गया है I भारत को जानने के लिए हिंदी भाषा का ज्ञान आवश्यक है; अत: भारतीय संस्कृति एवं मूल्यों के साथ-साथ हिंदी भाषा के प्रचार-प्रसार में भी यह पुस्तक सहायक सिद्ध होगी I
The book is entitled The Language of Love and Friendship in Shakespeare”s Plays. It deals with the themes of love and friendship in Shakespeare”s plays viz The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love”s Labour”s Lost , The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing , The Winter”s Tale and Hamlet. In the Introduction to her book the author first discusses the classical and medieval origins of the concepts of love and friendship and also provides references to some of the seminal works of the contemporary Elizabethan period which also deal with love and friendship. Among them are John Lyly”s Eupheus : The Anatomy of Wit and Eupheus and his England, Sidney”s The Old Arcadia and Spenser”s The Faerie Queene , Books 111 and Books 1v. The Conclusion to her Book sums up the ultimate notions regarding the dual themes of love and friendship in Shakespeare plays as analyzed by Dr. Lily Law.
Let’s face it. Book-reading and story-telling will never be a part of a forgotten era. The reason behind, is their deep-rooted existence in our cultures as well as our everyday lives.
We are all surrounded by stories, but only a handful of us might actually have the creative intellect to put these images and little happenings into slides and sequences and frame a short-story around them that will wreck one’s senses and make him go, “Whoa! That just made my day!”
Do, you have such a story you desperately want to tell? Well, you can always write it and get it published. You may even have people reading it and taking about it for a length of time. But, would that satisfy the artist within you? Wouldn’t you like your story to grow into peoples’ consciousness, just the way it has grown into yours? If yes, then the best way to make your story live after you, is by getting a short film made out of it. Power Publishers with its team of artists, screenplay writers and experienced directors would help you get a short film done out of your story. Our exclusive story-to-film service has been carefully etched out, to give budding writers an edge over the others. Not only is it a valuable asset that you would be proud to talk about, but also an uber effective promotional tool that has the potential to make the maximum impact with minimum expenses. Besides, with YouTube and a dozen other such sites giving you the platform to reach out to millions of film and story lovers across the world, stardom is hovering just around the corner!
Flipping through social media networking sites and video sites on the web every day, you might have taken notice of the increasing number of short-films making their way into serious literary discussions, film magazines and Cannes film festivals. A few recent Indian short films released on YouTube include Ahalya by Sujoy Ghosh, Bypass by Amit Kumar, Migration by Mira Nair and Zoya Akhtar and Nayantara’s Necklace by Jaydeep Sarkar. Not only have they been appreciated by critics, but have also made their way into every film-lover’s personal collection. In fact, short film making in India has even managed to raise the quality bar for film industries based in India and abroad. So, if your story has the calibre, Power Publishers and its story to film service has the potential to turn into an audio-visual production that would be a treat for the eyes and a treasure house for the thinking mind.
So, make a short film in India today with Power Publishers and give you story the exposure it deserves.
The reading scenario has gone through dramatic shifts and changes over the past decade. Through we can easily point out the number of new genres of writing that literary personalities all over the world have introduced over the years, we rarely take into account the ease of access of global art and literature that has happened due to consistent technological advancements. For example, your mobile phone, is not just a device to make calls or play games in. It can now be your walking-talking personal library. Read on to know more.
Art needs appreciators and vice-versa. Do, you think reading alone can help your readers appreciate the complete essence of your creative work? What if there are greater takers of your creative genius in people who can’t read or do not like to read? This is where Power Publishers for the first-time brings around a breakthrough Art-meets-Technology service in India. Already a highly coveted and popular format internationally, audiobooks are the just the thing you have been looking for, as far as decent readership and better reach of your work, is concerned.
There is no doubt about the fact that audiobooks are the future of books.
For starters, they don’t occupy a space in a reader’s bag or have a weight that he/she needs to carry around. Just like the hundreds of necessity apps downloaded by us every day, all one has to do is download one such audiobook file, throw on a pair of headphones and embark upon a journey to not just know, but to consume the entire essence of a story in the most holistic way possible. Think it’s too futuristic? You might just want to check out Scottish American character artist Alan Cumming’s virtuoso narration of ‘Macbeth’ in the audiobook by the same name. It had got hearts racing world-wide with its release and helped improve the dramatic scope of the tragedy, centuries after the bard had put his pen down.
If you want to know what an audiobook can really do, you would need to get into talks with the first audiobook publisher of India – Power Publishers. It is a special service package offered by them at a price that might fit well within your budget. Professional voiceover and dubbing artists would be used to lend voices to your characters. Sound engineering, editing, mixing along with rental of specific equipments are all included within a single package. Besides, distribution of the DVD format audiobooks in various online stores like Amazon and Flipkart are also included within the package. Authors, who have taken the plunge till date, have only benefitted from this unique service. Not only have audiobooks shot up the sales figure of their physical books dramatically but have also garnered them the recognition that was long awaited!
So, give your book a living and breathing entity with the exclusive book to audiobook experience that has got story addicts from 18 to 80 excited!
This book contains all the minute detail of a call center. This is a book mainly for the new comers, who are trying to make their careers in the industry. This will guide them through to excel in the industry, help them take good calls and get promoted within a very short time. This book is written in memory of Suvro Sayak Mukherjee, who was also a dedicated agent and served the industry for a long time but unfortunately passed away at a very early age of 25.
A girl loved a boy and he loved her back..and they lived “Happily Ever After.” This is not what happens always. Fairy tales exist in books and movies only. In real life love just has to turn into hate. One fine day.
There’s a guy in my school who doesn’t know I exist. He doesn’t even know my name. But, I think about him all the time and all I ever wished was him to feel my presence…at least once. But, Wait! He already had a girlfriend.
Will Samaira understand that it is sometimes better to be someone’s shot of champagne than a daily cup of tea?
Will Ruhan ever know that for Samaira, he was her dream boy, A prince charming?
The story about the blind men trying to describe an elephant by touching it is quite ubiquitous. Just like the story, Life, in my opinion, has so many facets that I bet it is not possible for any human being to understand or grasp its full meaning. That’s probably the reason why we have so many philosophers, thinkers, religious preachers and, more than ever, so many individual viewpoints. Every person is able to view or grasp one or maybe multiple facets of life but never the whole meaning of life. Hence life takes on shades and meaning which are different and rather individual to each one. Every time a facet of life has tried to touch me, it has evolved into a poem. The poems here, are therefore just that-Glimpses of Life!