Help Yourself by Himsagar Jayvant Thakur
Price : Rs. 210, Pages : 96, Genre : Non-Fiction, Language : English, Binding : Paperback, ISBN No. : 9789384333461.
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In this book, the author expresses his views on certain problems which India is facing (or will face in future). He expresses his views through discussion, the story starts at Principle’s home. Principle has completed his 50 years of marriage & students were regrouping to Principles home. There they discuss on various problems & express their views.
Government doesn’t have magic stick, to solve all the problems. We common people should help government and our self, coordinate with government, with each other for growth of country & everybody. This book tells how they can help government? What is individual’s responsibility? People should avoid blaming government & others for corruption & problems related to that. People should have social awareness & they should understand their responsibility.