Repent, Believe And Be Baptized Into Christ by Ajeet Gorey
Price: 340.00, Genre: Non-Fiction, Pages: 234, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-85892-46-2
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The Author has given the experiences of persons known to him and also has mentioned his personal occurrences as well, with the sole intention to helping those persons who are struggling to know How to live a Victorious Christian Life.
Repent, Believe and be – Baptized is a study of a few doctrinal truths; which have been argued and disputed upon by many a biblical scholar. The writer has made it very simple , for the readers as well as for the young bible students, to understand and to grasp easily, these very important doctrinal truths. As one studies them, They would learn to live a Renewed Christian Life.
The lives of many a Great World known Scholars have been sited in the book for the common man to understand, that they are the abnormal ones, whereas we are the normal ones.
All the simpleminded men and women can now be saved from being further confused; as they learn from the Spirit of God, the truths He has given to each one, through His written Word – The Scriptures, The Holy Bible.