“The Flight to Divinity, why and how” is a book which deals with the miseries, frustration and disparity faced by people in general right from the birth till the death. It deals with the laws of karma, constitution of man and aims at the solution of human problems, how to end the cycle of rebirth and death and how to attain the blissful state, consciousness model of faster spiritual progress leading to salvation, motivation or Moksha.
In order to provide a fairly clear and convincing notion, the book covers the salient features of different systems of yoga, the planes of existence, such as astral and mental planes, concept of God, seven rays of man, Theosophy, effect of mantras, hindrances in spiritual sadhana, spiritual queries generally raised and their answers, Masters, Futility of acquiring more knowledge and wealth.
The language is simple. The flight to Divinity, discusses why a man should try to take Flight to Divinity and once a person decides to embark on the mission, he adopts the strategies to achieve the mission successfully. It is rightly said that it is not right enough to say the sweet is tasty; a man has to fetch the sweet , eat it and taste the sweetness of the product. The approach is lucid and rewarding leading to the freedom from the misery, rebirth and death.
I am lucky to be surrounding with the people who fill the air around me with questions and zeal and I would name them shortly. It was a bright sunny morning at Chicago airport when to make up for missed flight, I start typing a story on my newly bought iPad. Having born and raised in a small spiritual town Rishikesh influenced my thinking in a certain way which would prove to be blessing, during the course of novel completion.
I continued penning down my thoughts. Time and places changed but I continued typing as the story seemed to be embedded in my head, or call in my soul. I have not been brightest student ever in my class but I have been always hungry for facts. I work for a management consulting firm and always have hard pressed deadlines, flights and client presentation. At times, I barely have time for sleep, let alone writing. However, I have always believed when something is destined to happen, it will, no matter what the time, place or circumstances. In various hotels, flights, I continued typing and after three years, the manuscript was ready. I narrated it to a few of my creative colleagues and it shortly found out its identity ‘GoodBye ? Well, Not Yet’.
Then the quest was on to find out a publisher. As a wise man once said – “Solution Presents themselves when there is no solution is in sight”. I met with Power publishers who agreed to publish my book and offered me help on editing, video creation and print marketing. Readers have continuously told me that they had never read something like this earlier and predictably, book shortly found its place in the best sellers of power publisher. I would always be indebted and grateful to power publisher for giving ‘GoodBye?Well, Not Yet’ its launching platform.
‘Goodbye? Well Not Yet.’ by Ritesh Arora
The novel has changed hands to be now re-published by Srishti publishers and will be launched in five countries in October this. I have been asked on how did the book made to where it is today and there has been no secret recipe. Passion to write, being able to read multiple books, a captivating manuscript coupled with effective marketing will help book to be widely read, admired and visible. The main focus area is Marketing and in my experience, following things really work well
– Able to spread the word of mouth
– Effective usage of social media marketing by creating the the FB page, your own website and running contests
– Identify the age group and run the marketing campaigns accordingly
– Collateral like bookmarks, sample chapter distribution, T-shirt with book print, video trailor etc are good tools
– Finally, be patient; Marketing to book sale is a slightly long cycle. Have faith in your work, things will automatically start rolling
Ritesh Arora
(Ritesh Arora is a Management Consultant and IIM-C Alumni. He is also an author of a mystic fiction love story, ‘When the Heavens Smiled’, to be published by Srishti Publications, later this year. He is an avid reader, has a large collection of books in his library at home and can be contacted at his Facebook fan page.)
“Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.”
– Edgar Allan Poe
There is a poet in almost every one of us. Some express their thoughts and some don’t. There are some people who find peace in poetry books as well as love to convey their feelings through poetry. And some doesn’t even want to remain cramped only in writing but also want to share them with poetry lovers all around. This leads to the question what is the best way to publish poetry book. Poetry book publisher in India is basically none other than the self publishing or on demand publishing houses.
To publish poetry book with notable publisher (for example – www.powerpublishers.in), you just need to follow 4 simple steps:-
1. Send the computer typed manuscript of your poetry book to the publishing house.
2. Choose your package.
3. Pay the package cost (you can also enjoy additional privileges such as illustration, colour pages, video trailer, book launch, press release etc. at a minimum extra cost).
4. Get your book printed.
There are many publishers in India but one should get the best poetry book publisher in India to publish poetry book.
Publishing poetry book with self publishing house has another advantage, they don’t really believe in conventional publishing where a book is only judged on the calculation whether it is going to be a best seller and be profitable. They firmly believe that there are a great number of talented writers and poets all over the country awaiting that one change to show their forte. Many great poets started their journey with a self publishing house after being discouraged by conventional publishers.
People have various ways of expressing themselves, one of them being penning down their emotions and experiences. Now you have written a novel or some poems and want to share them with the rest of the world, your only option would be to publish them. Therefore the question arises in your mind how to publish a book. If you are an eminent author or already have a couple of best sellers then you don’t have to look for a publisher, the publisher will look for you. But if you are a budding author (which is why you are reading this article), and want to self publish in India, you first have to find a suitable publisher to publish a book, someone who can not only help you in printing your creation, but will also help in publicity of your book (who knows you can be the next Amish or Chetan Bhagat!).
You can self publish in India through a number of self publishing/on demand publishing houses (one of the prominent name being www.powerpublishers.in). Each one has different packages according to your need and of course your budget. These publishers have really made it easy to publish a book these days. All you have to do is to give them the manuscript hard copy or soft copy, pay them the package amount and the rest is their headache.
They will format the inner layout, make the book cover, draw illustrations (if you need them), do the printing and also take care of marketing and distribution. Unlike most countries, even without an agent by your side you can self publish in India by approaching the publishing houses directly. So need to publish a book? Get a good self publishing house and your job is done. Today Publish a book is a child’s play.
Self publish in India even attracts budding authors from abroad to publish a book.
If you are reading this article, that means you have already authored your creation and probably searching the best publishing companies in India to get it published. And you are also concerned about being commercially successful as an author. Now that’s the tricky part. Being a debut author and longing for commercial success doesn’t come in quite handy. Here comes the selling and marketing part.
A good publisher, along with English book publisher should also be a Hindi Book Publisher including other languages.
So, for choosing best publishing companies in India, you must check a couple of things such as:-
•Along with English books whether they are also Hindi Book Publisher?
•What kind of marketing support do they provide?
•If they have any option for e-marketing such as propaganda in popular social networking site such as facebook, twitter etc.
•You also need to check if they provide a website for your book.
•Other than a physical book, if they also provide you an option of a Kindle version (as most of us are quite used to tabs and e-book readers).
•Some publishing companies even help increase selling of your book through different online stores other than their own store such as ebay, Flipkart, Amazon, Crossword and so on.
•For more publicity, check if the publisher can arrange a book launch programme (not always veteran authors get to launch their books in a gala event… you can do the same as well).
•Video book trailers are the latest addition in the publishing industry. It’s more or less like a movie trailer about 1-2 mins that carries the theme and subject of your book. You can check if your publisher can offer you the same.
Not a lot many publishers can impart all kind of publicity services needed to make you a commercially successful author, Power Publishers (www.powerpublishers.in) offers the largest range of promotion and distribution services in India. Here you will get all the publicity help you desire to become the next Amish Tripathi, the rest is on your writing skills.
“As a writer, it’s important to stay true to your story without giving a hoot about publishers, critics and readers. You should do your karma as an author the way you want to, and rest is up to God.”
– Amish Tripathi
Though the quote sounds great but once you have written something don’t you feel desperate to share your ‘masterpiece’? Now if you have already penned down your thoughts and wondering what are the ways of getting published, then let me assure you self publishing a book is the best way. A lot of publishing houses has made self publishing in India easier. The following are some reasons why I feel that self publishing a book is the best option:-
• You don’t have to wait for days like a traditional publishing house. You can even get your book published within 14 days!
• Today Self publishing a book is very easy through self publishing in India. You need not be Paulo Coelho. Even your first attempt gets equal attention.
• Self publishing houses of India gives several package options for self publishing a book. Since this is your first book, budget must be a concern for you.
• The houses in self publishing in India helps in printing along with varied other services such as book cover design, illustration, book’s inner layout, some even provides business cards and posters for publicity.
• They also help in press release if demanded.
• Self publishing a book through these publishing houses also help in marketing, advertising, review in newspapers, video trailer in demand which are not quite familiar for traditional publishing houses
• More over they can help you with the launch of your most awaited creation.
All these make self publishing a book the best option before aspiring authors in India. Gradually, self publishing in India becomes more and more popular among the debut authors. Among the top self publishing companies India, Power Publishers (www.power-publishers.com) is worth checking out.