Hither & Thither” is a montage of the young poet’s observations on the world and its ways. This emotional documentation of varied experiences has been given the form of verses that are suffused with the fervent desire to seek the elixir of life. The book is a map not only of the poet’s heart and mind but also of the highs and the lows through the existential angst that the journey entails.
Hither and Thither | Dibyangee Saha
Price: Rs 180, Pages : 82, Genre : Poetry, Binding : Paperback, ISBN : 978-93-86526-94-6
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Hither and Thither | Dibyangee Saha
Hither & Thither” is a montage of the young poet’s observations on the world and its ways. This emotional documentation of varied experiences has been given the form of verses that are suffused with the fervent desire to seek the elixir of life. The book is a map not only of the poet’s heart and mind but also of the highs and the lows through the existential angst that the journey entails.