Joy Bannerjee, the young protagonist of “The Destiny of Joy”, in Siddhartha Majumder’s debut novel wants to live his life in his own terms, and in the process what he goes through at different levels of experience makes up this novel —- a refreshing gift to the readers. It is fascinating , gripping and engaging . The discerning readers ought to read between the lines and they will be pleasantly surprised to come across new layers of meaning every now and then. It also touches upon various issues that are of paramount importance to our lives and times and it does so in a subtle and indirect manner.
The Destiny of Joy | Siddhart Majumder
Price: Rs 260, Pages : 141, Genre: Adventure/Fiction, language: English, Binding : Paperback, ISBN: 978-93-86526-13-7
The Destiny of Joy | Siddhart Majumder
Joy Bannerjee, the young protagonist of “The Destiny of Joy”, in Siddhartha Majumder’s debut novel wants to live his life in his own terms, and in the process what he goes through at different levels of experience makes up this novel —- a refreshing gift to the readers. It is fascinating , gripping and engaging . The discerning readers ought to read between the lines and they will be pleasantly surprised to come across new layers of meaning every now and then. It also touches upon various issues that are of paramount importance to our lives and times and it does so in a subtle and indirect manner.