The author, Mr. Ravishankar S. S. is an optimist. He earnestly believed that his letters to the Prime Minister of our country, Mr. Narendra Modi would yeild some form of response from him. It didn’t. Here comes his outrage that a large number of people would identify with. It is not the fault of so many people that they have reposed great faith in the ability and leadership of our current Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. It is not too late, however for the Prime Minister to measure up to the steller expectation that is placed upon by him by the people. This book must be seen in the said context.
The Half Shadow | Ravishankar S. S.
Price : Rs. 270, Pages : 126, Genre : Biography/Non-fiction, Language : English, Binding : Hardbound, ISBN No. : 9789387852273.
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The Half Shadow | Ravishankar S. S.
The author, Mr. Ravishankar S. S. is an optimist. He earnestly believed that his letters to the Prime Minister of our country, Mr. Narendra Modi would yeild some form of response from him. It didn’t. Here comes his outrage that a large number of people would identify with. It is not the fault of so many people that they have reposed great faith in the ability and leadership of our current Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. It is not too late, however for the Prime Minister to measure up to the steller expectation that is placed upon by him by the people. This book must be seen in the said context.