Author interview: Sheela Agarwal talks about her book ‘Saral Hindi Byakaran’

Congratulations on the release of ‘Saral Hindi Byakaran’. What is the feedback from your friends and readers who have already read your book?
Most of those who have read my manuscript felt such a book was much required as there aren’t any in the market that really cover such a vast set of topics and the lucid writing should help students very much.
What kind of books inspire you as a writer? Who are your favorite authors?
As a writer, non-fictional books inspire me the most. My reading interest varies from medicine to spirituality, facts to fiction, so choosing any particular author is difficult but I like to read Dhirendra Verma, Mahadevi Prasad, Agyeye, Shivani and some other hidden gems.
Why did you want to become a writer? Who inspired you to become a writer? What triggered you to come into writing?
I do not think one can become a writer because he/ she wants to be one. In my opinion it is within one’s self.
I feel ‘Wren and Martin’s High School English Grammar and Composition’ ignited the author within me and perhaps is the single biggest agent that inspired me to write this book.
What are you doing to let readers know about your book?
Promotion of the book will happen via social networking sites and word of mouth.
Tell me something about your book. Some highlights.
This book can solve all types of problems related to Hindi grammar faced by students as well as teachers. The book shall be the ultimate reference guide for all those who wish to understand Hindi language correctly.
Tell me something about yourself and your background.
I come from a reputed and educated family from Patna. After completing my Masters in Hindi from Patna University, I relocated to Bangalore with my husband. I was self-employed as a teacher of Hindi and was a regular judge at school debates for many years. Besides literature, I have professional level expertise in Batik painting.
Do you plan to take it up as a full time profession if response is good?
It is possible. I have a few ideas which I might give shape in the near future.