How to use Author’s Dashboard
The Author’s dashboard is an added advantage that every author, who is booking a publishing package with Power Publishers, is entitled to. It is a revolutionary concept and it helps authors stay connected with us during and after the production process. Contrary to how complicated it might sound, the dashboard is just an online platform or document that tells you the status of your book, both during pre-press and after its release. All you got to have, is a computer with an internet connection!

The Author’s Dashboard
You can visit the author’s dashboard by visiting
Everything you need to know about your book, during and after the pre-press process, can be found within the territories of the author’s dashboard. This new-age system eliminates the need to call up, or wait for email replies when you can always get an insight into the real picture. Embrace technology and be in control of your own publication. For starters, it is included within all packages that you might choose, starting from the pocket-friendly Student package to the all-inclusive King package. Therefore, you do not have to pay anything extra to keep a track of the proceedings. Once an author has booked for a package with us, he is provided with an online link to the author’s dashboard which needs to be accessed with a password, also provided to him/her.
So, how is having an author’s dashboard advantageous for authors who use publishing services of Power Publishers? Well, there are several of them!
Facets of the Author’s dashboard
1) Know your book status – If you see the image above you would know what you can see once you log in into the author’s dashboard with the id and password provided to you. There it answers the famous question by authors “what do I do with this id and password?” The first tab you see reads “Book Status”. When you click, you get navigated to a page that looks like the picture below.

It gives you the status of your book and all other details like the ISBN and the package that you had chosen. This status is updated by us as we move from one stage of the publishing process to the other. The different stages of the pre-press process (read cover design, proofreading, print setting etc) are updated there from time to time, getting authors an idea of how quick things are progressing or if they are taking longer than usual. So, the first advantage is having a complete sense of ownership and getting the assurance that the investment made by you, is completely worth it and that there are reliable and highly professional people on the other end working collaboratively to get your lifelong dream in print. Secondly, authors can plan their promotional work depending on the progress of the publishing work. There is a tentative period of 15 days to 1 month, before your book comes out in print. That period is very crucial for an author as he/she has to carry out bulk of the promotional work during that period and create the right buzz before the copies hit the shelves. Once authors have an idea about how long a process runs, they can plan their promotional activities accordingly.
2) Get your Live Sales Report – It is your right to know how many books you have managed to sell since the time it got published. Power Publishers’ transparent policies make it possible for authors to have complete idea of the numbers of books that have been purchased every month. When you click on the “LIVE sales report” tab on the dashboard, the following page appears.

Specify a year and month whose sales report you wish to check, and a table with the complete details would appear.
3) Royalty Reports – You are entitled to royalty from sales. If you are a first time author with us, you might doubt our honesty with regard to giving you the royalty percentage promised. In that case, you can check
and calculate your royalty yourself by simply clicking on the tab that reads “Royalty Reports” on the dashboard. The following page would appear before you after your click. Select you book title and a detailed royalty report would appear. It is based on the sales of your book and a thorough calculation of the percentage of royalty that you have been promised by us.

3) Create your royalty – According to the sale of your book, we send you a royalty check with your profit-share amount every three months. If you are eager to get your first royalty check, simply click on the “Create royalty” tab and the following page is what you will see.

Choose your book title and submit. Our system would receive an alert and we would generate your check at the earliest.
4) Purchase of Extra Copies – You have an event coming up and you need to purchase some extra copies of your book from us to distribute amongst your friends and colleagues. Don’t take up the hassle of dialing us when you can simply place an order from your dashboard. When you click on the “Extra Copies” tab this is what you are navigated to.

Fill up all the fields and calculate the amount you have to pay for the purchase. Make an online payment after calculation and we would get an email regarding the same. Your books would be couriered to you on time.
5) Help us Improve – The automated system has been created just to help you get all your work done in the most hassle-free way possible. Click on the “Your Feedback” tab and rate our services so that we can improve and upgrade for a more efficient collaborative relationship in future.
6) Update personal details – Have you shifted to a new address? Or changed your contact information? Then you must update us about the same so that future transactions might not be hampered. Click on the “Update Contact” tab and put in all your changed details for smooth proceedings in future.