Power Publishers New Release: Transformation
Transformation by Jaya Rajgopalan Genre: Fiction, Pages: 86, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-84334-87-1 Click here to buy Maya not only extends her unconditional love and support to her effeminate son, but also spreads awareness in the society that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness but a disorder. Udhay Kumar Mishra – Dogmatic, authoritarian and […]
Power Publishers New Release: Never Meant To Be
Never Meant To Be by Yarro Rai Genre: Fiction, Pages: 146, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-86526-06-9 Click here to buy Two lovers, Two Diaries A modern day mysterious take on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This is a tale of woe, where childhood innocence, love and friendship grow to maturity and overcast the boundaries of the […]
Power Publishers New Release: Swarnika
Swarnika by Vinay Kumar Srivastava Price: 270.00, Genre: Fiction, Pages: 173, Binding: Paperback, Language: Hindi, ISBN: 978-93-85892-59-2 Click here to buy ये कहानी एक लड़की के बारे में लिखी गयी है जो स्वाभाव से चंचल अत्यंत सुन्दर और तीब्र दिमाग की है जो सच्चाई के लिए झगडे मोल लियाकरती है । लेकिन कुछ समय बाद उसकी […]
Power Publishers New Release: Propose with a Pen
Propose with a Pen by Mukulika Basu Genre: Fiction, Pages: 289, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-86526-07-6 Click here to buy Madhurima is a girl who is studying for her Master degree and is waiting for her true love. One day she finds her love, Rahul. Rahul belongs from a different community and social status. Madhurima […]
Power Publishers New Release: PINKOPS01
PINKOPS01 by Jayson O’Neill Price: 200.00/US$ 18, Genre: Comicbook, Pages: 26, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-86526-01-4 Click here to buy Ten teenage girls trained to fight terrorists. Sounds like a cool idea, right? (Please say yes, please say yes…) Because that’s what I thought when I came up with the concept a few years back, leading me […]
Does your manuscript require partial rewriting? Find out
You have the perfect idea for a best-selling novel. Check. You have penned it down to the best of your abilities. Check. But, if you ask us, stardom is still a few feet away if your manuscript has got errors that are anything but basic. Sometimes during the initial stages of reviewing your manuscript, publishers […]