How running Flipkart and Amazon advertisements can promote your book
Once you book is out in print, there is no way you can start cashing in if it simply lies around the corner. Obviously, you must have started your share of promotional activities right from the time your manuscript was in pre-press, but with the era turning competitive with each passing fortnight, widespread advertising has […]
Vignettes of Darkness by Bineeta Price: 180.00, Genre: Shortstories, Pages: 112, Binding: Hardbound, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-84334-41-3 Click here to buy What makes a man kill ? How far will a scorned woman go ? Is blood thicker than water ? Does love really transcend all ? The answers to these questions lie in the depths of […]
Power Publishers New Release: New Sense of Being a Doctor
New Sense of Being a Doctor by Dr. S. G. Murthy Price: 175.00, Genre: Shortstories, Pages: 105, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-85892-42-4 Click here to buy This book is a collection of short stories from the author’s diary. For a doctor, every day and every patient brings in something new to learn. Medically, all the […]
Power Publishers New Release: Hazaron Khwahishey
Hazaron Khwahishey by Vijay Jhunjhunwala Price: 110.00, Genre: Poetry, Pages: 64, Binding: Paperback, Language: Hindi Click here to buy A collection of hindi poetry. This is his second book of poetry.
Power Publishers New Release: Jatiswarer Bagan
Jatiswarer Bagan by Srabani Singha Price: 135.00, Genre: Poetry, Pages: 76, Binding: Paperback, Language: English, ISBN: 978-93-84334-45-1 Click here to buy যেভাবে রোজকার কথা বলা ,.. কবিতার উদ্দেশ্য হল কবির সাথে পাঠকের সমান অনুভূতি এনে দেওয়া। অস্থির সময়ের সাথে বদলে যায় কাব্য নির্মাণের ভাষা । কবি বোধহয় ঘুলঘুলির ফাঁক দিয়ে আসা সেই আলো, যে আলোয় পাঠক নিজেকে দেখেন […]
Power Publishers New Release: Sware Banjone AudioCD
Ritwik Mukhopadhayay Genre: Children’s Book, Type: AudioCD, Language: Bengali Click here to buy Sware Banjone is a book of learning Bengali alphabets through pleasing poetry, composed by Ritwik Mukherjee. Primarily a book for toddlers, the book can also set their parents nostalgic about their childhood.