Book review: ‘CoMa Chose Life’ is for those who want to enjoy life to the fullest

How many of us actually do something to make ourselves happy and peaceful from within?
Most probably the number is quite less, isn’t it?
We often set some goals in life but lack proper coaching which sometimes leads to unfulfilled goals and desires.
Proper coaching is one of the vital things that is needed by an individual to produce satisfying results in both professional and personal lives.
Pijush Kanti Mukherjee, through his book, CoMa Chose Life, has explored the various problems that people face, especially in the corporate world and lose hope to live a successful life.
He has acted as a guide throughout the book to help people like CoMa, the central character, to find the purpose the living and to discover the answers from within in a crisis.
Both the names of the chapters and characters are very unusual and interesting that readers may wonder regarding the origin of the names of the characters.
The author, at the end of the book, has dedicated a chapter to explain the actual meaning of these unusual names which readers need to unravel after reading the book to understand the content better.
Each chapter concludes with an inspiring quote of some popular personality, which induces more depth to the writings and the theme.
CoMa Chose Life is written in a crisp language that is easy to understand and readers will be able to relate to the conditions of CoMa while reading, especially if he or she is working in a corporate organisation.
This is a guide for all who want to find success, happiness and freedom and want to enjoy life to the fullest.
In this world, where rat race prevails, everyone is running after a job by sacrificing their own happiness and by ignoring their loved ones.
However, PiKaMu, the coach of CoMa at the time of his distress, supports him, transforms him and guides him so that he can guide others who face the same problems.
PiKaMu acted as a messiah in CoMa’s life and now CoMa will follow the words of the former to support people life him and coach them since coaching is really important to lead a fulfilling life.
This book is dedicated to everyone since it teaches us the vital lessons of life and to lead life.