Interview of Usha Purahit about her new book Rising in the Safe House

Congratulations on the release of ‘Rising in the Safe House’. Tell us something about your book. Some highlights on the subject.
How is it different from other, earlier books of this genre that were released recently?
Rising In The Safe House is about the need to break through the complacency which takes control of a system—in this case the judicial system—-and coaxes the system into believing that that it is beyond criticism or review and all is well within. The system therefore gets rigid,supercilious, insensitive and indifferent to human considerations. It forgets that it is not an isolated system but is expected to weave a harmonious fabric with the social patterns creating and manifesting a superior ambience.
And changes are to be invariably accepted with open arms.
I truly do not know of any particular book that touches the present subject matter. I am therefore not competent to comment on this.
What kind of books are you reading at present? How are those books inspiring you?
I am reading Aurobindo at present—esp his expressions on Women. Aurobindo and his writing have always ignited the creative sparks in me. And there is nothing more divine than his poems.They are beyond space.
Kamala Das is my favourite. Stark, realistic.
But if one were to talk about the inspiration behind my writing it would be my father and Wilbur Smith. But I imitate none.

Please share some incidents of your life that have moulded a lawyer into a writer.
No incidents. But observation. I think I have the intuition to turn an observation into a literary or a verbal expression and even expand it. And in the courts the ambience is in many ways volatile.Human reactions are strongly pronounced whether they come from the lawyers or the judges.
My profession has not moulded me though.
I am not moulded into a writer. I was always a writer. But I am a vulnerable human being. Vulnerable to nature, sentiments, and humane spaces. That is the labyrinth of my life and writing and I have alwys travelled safely even through the maze.
What do you want to convey to your readers through this book?
Do not be afraid of truths. Allow yourself the courage to speak out against injustice. Let not cowardice be your friend and a garb.
D o not ever forget that all systems need us to bring about the inevitable change. We stand for the conscience within. Be loyal to it.
What will be the next topic for your upcoming novel?
Could be short essays or/and a short collection of poems.
This time over probably a romantic novel.
I am waiting and watching.
Are you planning to write in any other genre like something related to your profession?
Any words of advice from your experience for fellow young authors to encourage them?
Love it when you write.
Do not get swayed away by writing patterns and styles. Create your own.
There is hardly anything like old and new. The have to be beautiful creations.
Read a lot of writings by other authors of different genres. It will expand your vistas.
All the very best.