Interview of Dr. Raj Shree Dhar about her new book NEP-2020: Conception of a modern Knowledge Society

Congratulations on the release of ‘NEP-2020: Conception of a modern Knowledge Society’. Tell us something about your book. Some highlights of the subject.
The name of your book is a bit different. What do you want to establish through this book?
The present book is a collection of my articles with the aim to disseminate the necessary knowledge in bringing about relevant changes in our education system. The education system must be abreast of the latest technological developments and marvels. Education institutions are the places and spaces where the consumption and production of knowledge benefits humanity by focusing on the most pressing problems of the planet.
NEP-2020 will ensure the holistic development of learners. The 21st Century skills will be : Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Curiosity and Communication.
Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development. The goals and targets proposed in the NEP 2020 must be established for a comprehensive overhauling of the entire education system to make it more rational, realistic and relevant to the contemporary needs and challenges of the country.
What kind of books inspire you as a writer? Who are your favorite authors?
Books on Education and its reforms.
by Sri Aurobindo and Society.
By Swami Vivekanand
By A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Tell me something about yourself. As an educator what improvements do you want to make in our current education system? What past experiences compelled you to write this book?
I love multi-tasking, long life learning and writing about new experiences.
As envisioned in the NEP 2020 document, a quality higher education must enable personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement and productive contribution to the society.
My day to day experiences in reforming the education system compelled me to write it.
What inspires you to write? Who inspired you to become a writer?
My experience in work inspires me to write for disseminating my knowledge.
My parents Mrs. Raj Mohini Dhar and Late Mr. Triloki Nath Dhar who instilled in me the interest and the zest to pursue writing and always offered me their immensely valuable observations on knowledge, education, life, cosmos, and other fascinating matters.

Tell us the preliminary concept of the ‘NEP-2020’ from your point of view.
National Education Policy-2020 : A New and Forward looking Vision for India’s Education System
National Education Policy 2020 aims to transform the educational landscape of the country with the purpose to develop good human beings capable of rational thinking and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination, with sound ethical moorings and values. It aims at producing engaged, productive and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive and plural society as enshrined in the Constitution of India (NEP 2020).
Are you planning to publish more books to share your experience and knowledge?
Yes I will publish.
Please share your most memorable moment as an educator with us.
When I started teaching Post graduate students of Mathematics at the age of 21 after passing M.Phil in Mathematics. The students were teachers from the schools who were doing post graduate studies for their promotions. They were highly impressed with my teaching and also I was youngest teacher. They usually gift some fruits from their gardens to me out of love and regard.
Any words of advice from your experience for youngauthorsand educators to encourage them?
The young authors should write on a spectrum of subjects right from the young age to promote Indian heritage, culture and knowledge. They should become proficient in writing in various genres like fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry and so on. It will bring a positive psychological push to the young minds by taking reading and knowledge as an integral part of their grooming up years.